This is a set of LIGHTWAVE objects and scene files that I recently made for a training class. They are very useful for showing shat I call Technical Animation on the Amiga/Toaster. The subject is a rotary positive displacement variable stroke hydraulic pump. The scenes have my paths included; use a text editor to change the paths to the place that you put the objects, and put the scene files where you keep your scenes. My path is something like 'MAX:3D/Objects/3D/DB/EHC/PMP', so do a search and replace to use your pathname. The scenes make 15 and 30 frame looping animations. Render each frame 1X, and then use your Single Frame Controller to loop the frames at least five times (one revolution). The average frame takes about 15 minutes to render on a 25 Mhz 030 2500. The scenes are the long entries starting with EHC..., and the objects (9) have shorter names. Next time, I'll use the extensions, sorry.